Monday, May 27, 2013

The Epic Conclusion

If you've read any part of this blog, then you know I'm not much of a blogger. I submit a post maybe every three to six months. However, staying true to my word, I want to continue to relay my experience as a med student's fiancé.

Please, please, please note and remember that this is just my personal experience that I am sharing with you to highlight the challenges of maintaining not only a long distance relationship, but also a relationship with a med student. By no means does this mean that my experience will become yours.

Here we go.....

The Beginning of the End

If you've read earlier posts, then you know my relationship with my med student has not always been the smoothest ride. Before he was even admitted to school, we lived two hours away from each. I was done with grad school and had already started my career, while he opted to remain with his parents and save money. Several months later he proposed (of course, I said yes!) and then we got hit with the news that he would need to attend school outside of the country if he ever wanted to become a doctor.

When the news hit, we discussed the possibility of me traveling with him. There were other students who had brought families along with them, so it wouldn't be a problem. But there weren't a lot of amenities where he was going (which didn't concern me, but he believed I would always complain about it anyway lol). Plus, I was just starting out as a social worker and two years with him would mean losing two years of experience - in which time I could have been working towards earning my license.

Additionally, there was always a small voice in my head, in the back of my mind, that told me I would be screwed if I left to be with him and in the end things didn't work out. I think in the back of his head, he was thinking it too, but never said it. So many times you hear about women giving up their dreams and careers to support their boyfriend, fiancé, whoever in school, only to be pushed aside later when he finally reaches success and decides she's no longer good enough for him. Heard that story before? Well, that wasn't going to be me.

But I think the biggest reason why I didn't go, was because in the end, he never actually asked me to come with him. Yeah, we discussed it. But he never once actually asked me to come with him or tried to convince me to come.

So from the beginning, there were always problems and complications. Not all of them related to med school.

Unhappily Ever After

It was December 15, 2012 (I think lol). Jason was finally coming home, for good. I was nervous and excited at the same time like I always was when I'm seeing him for the first time after so many months. I was there on time, parked and everything. I had arrived just minutes after his plane had landed. I walked inside the busy airport eagerly moving my head from side to side looking through the hoards of people in search of him. I finally spotted him from behind going towards the turnstile to pick up his luggage. With a big, goofy smile on my face and butterflies in the pit of my stomach, I ran towards him and stopped right behind him. I tapped him on his arm. He turned around to see who it was and with an indifferent look on his face he said "hey." Not "Hey!" Uh-uh. Just "hey." Then he turned back around to continue to look for his bags. He didn't reach out to hug me. He didn't reach out to kiss me. He didn't say he missed me. At that point, I felt like all I was to him was a ride from the airport.

We grabbed his luggage and silently walked back to the car together. Loaded his bags and got in the car. The ride home was about thirty minutes away from the airport. It was the most tension filled, quietest ride I had ever had with him.

We got home, watched some movies, but never cuddled. I tried to kiss him, but he did not return my affection.

The next day, I asked him what was wrong. He said nothing. I went to the bedroom and laid on my bed and cried. Jason decided it was a good time to put on his headphones. He never came to check on me and see what was wrong.

We lasted only one night together after he came home before it was finally over between us and we parted ways. We had been together for five years.

Some Conclusions

I think its important to know and understand that our ending cannot be entirely blamed on our long distance relationship and the fact that he was a med student. Yes, it definitely affected the relationship, but we obviously had problems that were unrelated to either of those issues. Med school and long distance did contribute to our growing apart; we were unable to adequately share in the pleasures and displeasures of daily life with each other. So we had no idea what the other was truly going through. Yes, med school is hard for the girlfriend or boyfriend that actually is in school. But its also hard for the girlfriend or boyfriend that isn't in school and doesn't know how to relate to or soothe the student. At the same time, the girlfriend or boyfriend not in school is feeling lonely and sad that their partner is gone and guilty for wanting them to come back home. School also did take up a large chunk of his time. It was hard to talk to him and have quality time with him from afar. There would be things that I would want to tell him and share with him that I couldn't. Technology was also a problem. Skype was not always the most reliable software. Neither was FaceTime. Just trying to sort out the technology would take up some of the precious time that we did have together. Most importantly, however, I think the distance prevented us from being able to grow together.

Remember, this experience is my own personal one, shared from my perspective and not that of Jason's.

Knowing what I know now, having had this experience, would I do it over again or with someone else? I honestly don't know. If I were to change anything, I probably would have ended the relationship a lot earlier after the first wedding was cancelled. Instead I waited for him to end it for us. I knew things were different between us, but I just kept going hoping things would get better, holding on to that false belief that if he was just home, things would be better and we wouldn't be having these issues. But of course, that was not true.

But I guess love is like that. We put ourselves out there and we take our chances hoping for the best. And even though this was an extremely tough situation to bear I'm definitely going to continue to put myself out there and in time I'll be ready to open my heart to someone else again. Hopefully, this time, however, the guy will be for keeps.

Thank you all for reading and sharing this journey with me.


  1. Thanks for sharing this. I think the distance makes you grow in a positive way whether or not it ends happily. I hope you continue to blog about becoming a social worker!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I can't help but wonder what made Jason act that way. I get the part where studying as a med student is really tedious and it requires a lot of time and effort from them (med students) but they have to understand that if they want to also have a special someone while waiting for the light on the end of this tunnel, they have to also support their partners who are not in med school. I can't speak for what happened between the two of you but I am really sorry to hear that you guys ended it that way.

    I am currently with a med student, we got to know each other for almost 3 months now and his med class just started not a week longer from now but it surely feels like decade since the last time we saw each other. I know there's something within me that I need to work on first. I came from a relationship of 3 years and this one that I am on now is even worse when it comes to giving each other time and affection in a regular basis. Yes I am that type of person. I not needy or demanding. I just hope that a simple and quick text message will be a little consistent to make me feel that I'm not really alone on this. I am so clueless if I'll continue doing this. We were good before his class started. He may even think we're doing good now but not for me. I need someone I can always count on for whatever reason. I need advice. thanks

  4. We almost have the same story but it won't happen to me and my girlfriend.

  5. Wow. Thank you for sharing. This blog spoke to me (the indifferent boyfriend scenario, the whole throwing away your life to someone during their struggle only to dump you when they've made it; I HEAR YOU I won't be her!!!!!!)

    Been dating a med school student for 3 months now, all long distance, and I stress to you all that communication is NECESSARY when you're in a relationship, but I will also stress it to him because I feel more distant than when it first started. The whole indifference scenario was one my boyfriend had when dropping me off at the airport and saying bye to him. I remember when we first started dating, he smiled and gave me a heartfelt kiss. The last couple times I've seen him? An almost obligatory kiss, and another time an obligatory kiss and leaving me with the hotel shuttle bus because of some volunteer work he volunteered for when the ORIGINAL PLAN was to drop me off to the airport, the plan he insisted on. And him dropping me off would've also allowed us to say bye to each other instead of him stressing out about making his volunteer meeting on time and me BEGGING him for 10 FUCKIN MINUTES to just hold each other, because I didn't know when I'd see him next because of money issues. He kept saying he had to go.)

    And the SAME sentiment as "Unknown" from June 5th; I am usually not a clingy person, but I have never wanted consistent communication so much lol! To be honest, he does, whether it's a text or phone call, but the tone of the convos aren't like they were when we first started dating.

    Is it just men?? Are men just like this? Or does med school numb them? Or does med school feed their ego too much? WHAT is it?!?!?!

    All I know is despite my flaws that need fixing, I am and try to be a good, loveable soul, and I give so much in relationships and know how to be supportive, though I may not always have the words (e.g. "not knowing how to console him" like she said in the blog.) I am also VERRRRRY patient with a man, especially when I know what's in store. But if there's doubt about what's in store, then to me it makes sense to try to clarify that doubt; IT'S JUST SO HARD TO DO WITH A BUSY MED SCHOOL STUDENT, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT'S LONG DISTANCE, and when they claim they have a test or paper every damn week!!!

    Having said that though, do you think the biggest culprit was med school and its effect on him, or personal, such as personality clashes, fundamental disagreements? That was a little vague.

    Ugh, just hugs to you honey. I know you're probably still hurting, but I wish you success and an even BETTER individual who is WILLING to grow together with you because they realize you're worth it. Med school is SUCH a challenge for keeping relationships. **Sigh**

    1. (just putting reply in right place)

      Hey this is Magic again. Lol. I see I posted here back in the summer. And surprise and the med student broke up a week after I typed that. It's almost as if I attracted it because the "symptoms" listed here were so relateable, I got worried.

      I could really type pages, but I'll just it takes a LOT to not only date a med school student, but to maintain a long-distance relationship with a med student. You live, you learn.

  6. Same story here, but we were both med students. I think as women we invest more of our time, effort, and soul into relationships - no matter what it is that we do. Men just can't multitask. I'm still hurting dreadfully right now and can't sleep, but must go on and keep studying. Of the two of us, I know I am the one dealing with the brunt of this breakup. We started dating right at the beginning of med school. Good luck to all of you; I probably will end up dating a med student again when my heart heals, but perhaps by the time that happens we won't be med students anymore. Two years left. Thanks for writing this blog, it is helping me deal with this emotional turmoil; hopefully everything will be ok.

  7. I'm so sorry that this happened to you.. :( Long distance relationships are really hard and it takes a lot of effort. I'm pretty sure you did what you could to save it and I don't want to be judgmental but maybe he just wasn't able to take all the stress and pressure from med school and handling a relationship. I'm no expert but my boyfriend and I (who's also an "Almost Doctor" and we've been in a LDR since 2011) are really determined to make this work.. I hope you find peace and I pray that you find the love that you deserve someday.. God bless!

  8. fUCK this is crazy, Some guys are just Hartless and i hate it!
    I m beginning to have doubts with my girl who is in med school, she ignores my calls at times and i feel she is pushing me away...
    i don't know what to do. seriously i dont wanna give myself false hopes here

  9. For what it's worth, I just got dumped by a female med student who did similar heartless things and who despite moving to be with her just stopped caring. In a way, the solace that other people went through this with med school types offers me a bit of comfort but I wish I'd done my homework before embarking on giving up my life to be nearer to her, in the hopes it'd work.

    In the end, I was too demanding of her attention and she decided being single was better when she already had a life pretty well fleshed out. It is what it is,'s not always just the guys.

  10. Thank you for sharing your story! I do not think what Jason did to you was fair at all - at least provide some sort of explanation and check how your fiancee of 2 years is doing. To me, it doesn't sound like he tried after returning to the US - and he should have. I am currently engaged to a med student and quit my job and moved to be with him five months ago - prior to being engaged, we were long distance for two years. Although I did give up parts of my life, it was a convenient time to move and I did find work (albeit less engaging and lower-paying work) here. Some weeks are really good and I feel so grateful to at least see him everyday, and some weeks I feel like I'm single. I think we are both still committed to our relationship, but I know that med school has changed it. I worry that I'm not selfless and strong enough to support him through 3.5+ more years, but I continue to hold on to all of the promises we've made to each other. My fiance feels guilt about being completely consumed by medical school and has no other option but to study and work as much as he does, but it's still really hard for me when he has no time or energy left to give to me.

  11. Hey this is Magic again. Lol. I see I posted here back in the summer. And surprise and the med student broke up a week after I typed that. It's almost as if I attracted it because the "symptoms" listed here were so relateable, I got worried.

    I could really type pages, but I'll just it takes a LOT to not only date a med school student, but to maintain a long-distance relationship with a med student. You live, you learn.

  12. Dating a medical student and being in a long relationship can definitely work if both of you are committed to each other through having a relationship with God. I've been with my boyfriend for two years, he's' about to start his second year of med school. He's committed to making it work for us by calling me everyday and coming out to see me once a month whenever he can. He's a God fearing man and I tell you as difficult as it may be, because of our relationship with Christ, we make it work. We not only talk everyday, but we pray together everyday. Hope this helps.

  13. I've been dating my boyfriend for 3 years now. 2 of those years have been long distance while he earned his masters degree. He was accepted into med school and will start year 1 in the Fall. I am nervous. After reading this blog, I am even more nervous. I love him and have also planned a future with him. There is a small doubt in my mind though that tells me that it won't last. It tells me that I we won't withstand the stress and hardship. I am scared to be alone for the next four years and beyond. There are so many thoughts in my overwhelmed mind.

    1. How has it been going so far? My bf & I are also long distance & have been dating for 4 years now. It's our first time being so far away from each other, and it definitely hasn't been easy living in two different countries for the last 3 months. I get worried that our feelings will change because of the distance. I feel like a lot can change in 4 years also.. I'm praying for the best.
